Disinfection Efficacy Testing
Culturewell’s Disinfection Efficacy Field Testing program helps justify new technologies with independent third-party testing to show it works in your facility.
Many healthcare leaders seek to make evidence-based purchasing decisions for substantive investments in new disinfection technologies like UV robots, yet relying on manufacturers’ testing data is often not enough to overcome bias concerns.
Culturewell’s Disinfection Efficacy Field Testing Platform helps healthcare administrators, infection preventionists, and buyers of disinfection equipment determine the best products for their facility by:
- Directly measuring a product’s disinfection efficacy in a target environment during a third-party product demo in their facility to prove the technology actually works before recommending it to stakeholders.
- Leveraging Culturewell’s scientific field testing expertise to design and execute a pre/post sampling plan that can yield informative and actionable results.
- Using an unbiased, independent third-party lab to collect and provide efficacy data that can be used in budget justifications for product purchases.
- Digital reports are delivered directly to the healthcare leaders within days of on-site testing to show specifically what germs were recovered, the quantitative change, and provide insights into how well it would complement existing disinfection approaches.